Miami 100’s


The Miami 100’s are 100 character  printed broadsheets of prose, poems, prayers, and koans.

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When I received a seventh invitation to the Anderson Center at Tower View in Red Wing, Minnesota it was once again an opportunity to work with acknowledged master letterpress printers in Red Wing and the Twin Cities.

The Midwest is a place that never lost the traditions of letterpress printing. I had a small dilemma, however. In all the previous residencies, I had filled the walls of my studio with new work upon my arrival. The time in school and printing for the gallery, had kept my production to a minimum.

Mid-May 2019, I asked fourteen friends and collaborators (all writers) to give me 100 characters each to print on broadsheets. The resulting prose, poems, prayers, and koans are the Miami 100’s. When I put them up in my studio at the Anderson Center, they were a huge hit. Writers have been the river that has carried me through my life so far. I am grateful.